Surgery Services in Tier 2

As Gloucestershire enters tier 2 following the recent lockdown, would like to reassure our patients that services will remain unchanged at the surgery.
We will continue to operate with our ‘closed door policy’ so please only come to the surgery if you have a prearranged appointment. Upon arrival please use the intercom to speak to the reception staff to gain access to the building.
As before, prescriptions can be ordered online via our website  or can be posted through the letterbox to the right of Lloyds pharmacy.
Appointments can be made by calling our Care Navigation Team on 01684 293278.
We will still be offering face to face appointments, for those problems that cannot be dealt with by phone or video consultation.
Our opening hours will remain as normal 8:00am – 6:30pm Monday to Friday.
Thank you for your continued understanding and co-operation during this challenging time.