Carers and carers’ group

What makes a carer?

A carer is someone who regularly looks after a relative, friend or neighbour who, because of disability, age or frailty or mental illness, would otherwise experience significant difficulties living independently.

Most carers are adults but sometimes people under the age of 18 also take on this role. Carers are unpaid but some may be eligible for and receive a Carers Allowance. However, they would not be considered to be a care worker who carries out this work as a paid job.

You can be a carer whether you live with the person you care for, or at another address. Many people carry out all the duties of a carer but are not aware that they can be recognised in this role.

How the practice identifies carers

If you have recently joined the practice you will have been given a  Registration Sheet to fill in which asks you to let us know if you are a Carer for someone, whether a patient at the practice or not.

Our Summariser will also be looking for this information when we receive your medical records from your previous GP and will check that this information is added to our computer system.

If you are over 75 years of age you will receive an invitation annually for a Health Check with a practice nurse.  She will regularly update your information to include any change in your circumstances.

If you feel that you may be taking on more duties on behalf of a relative, friend or neighbour and that you could be considered to be recognised as a Carer, discuss your situation with a GP or practice nurse.

How we can help you?

Your health and welfare are important not only to yourself but also to the person you care for to enable them to continue living independently. There is a particular impact that caring has on a Carer’s health and well-being, employment, study and leisure interests.  This is where the practice may be able to help “you”.

  • Health check – we can offer you an appointment for a health check with one of our practice nurses.
  • Influenza vaccination – you will be placed on our register of patients eligible for vaccination and receive a letter of invitation each year.
  • Carers Gloucestershire – We will refer you to this independent, Carer led charitable organisation that seeks to empower Carers across the county to promote their rights and enable them to make positive choices to improve the quality of their lives. They offer information, support, advice and advocacy and are an excellent resource for Carers providing details of short breaks, counselling and listening services, benefits, equipment, aids and adaptations amongst other things.
  • Social services – We can also arrange for Social Services to carry out an assessment and arrange assistance with such things as Home Care, Meals on Wheels, Occupational Therapy (handrails, wider doorways, stair lifts) and Benefits.
  • Carers’ group –  Come along to the Dunlop Room at the Devereux Centre, Barton Road, Tewkesbury, GL20 5GJ, 3rd Thursday of the month, 10am to 12pm
    • Thursday 18th April 2024
    • Thursday 16th May 2024
    • Thursday 20th June 2024
    • Thursday 18th July 2024
    • Thursday 15th August 2024
    • Thursday 19th September 2024
    • Thursday 17th October 2024
    • Thursday 21st November 2024
    • Thursday 19th December 2024

Pick up a carers’ pack at the surgery. It contains the following:

  •  Carer Identification Form – so that we know you are a Carer and have details of the person that you care for – this is particularly useful if they are a patient at this practice.
  •  Proforma for Access to Medical Records – a form to be signed by the person you care for which gives authority for you to receive medical information about their condition, medication etc. on their behalf. We will be able to release details of test results to you if this has been signed.
  •  Resources for Carers – a list of useful names, addresses, telephone numbers, websites etc. offering assistance and information for Carers both locally and nationally.
  •  Carers Leaflet – our Practice Leaflet which is all about Carers and what we offer.

Mythe Medical carers’ group

The Practice has an active Carers’ Group which offers Carers the opportunity to get-together to share advice, have a chat and a cup of tea or coffee and speak to professionals able to give useful information regarding such things as benefits, respite care and specialist groups. The Group meets once a month in The Hutchison Room on the Ground Floor at The Devereux Centre in Barton Road from 10:00am to 12:00pm. All Carers welcome.

Group leaders: Sarah Wood and June White

Practice carers’ lead : Deb Tobin

Carers leaflet (PDF)